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visits since 9/1/2005:
News & Announcements
Time PostedHeadingDetails
10/25/2013 Marlboro's 6th Annual MultiCultural day, Nov. 17, 2013 at Marlboro high school 1:00-5:00pmMultiCulturalDay_2013%20Flier[2].pdf
10/07/2013 2013-2014 Calendar: revise Off Campus Performance to 2/7/2014 and New year Performance/Party to 2/8/2014.
09/19/2013 恭喜本校林子瑛同學,榮獲全美書法學會書法比賽第三名。Congratulations to Sarah Lin won the 3rd place of National Institute of Calligraphy Competition
09/05/2013 MARLBORO DAY 2013; Sunday, September 8thMarlboro_Day_2013[1].pdf
09/05/2013 中 秋 節;4th Annual Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival; September 22, 2013mid-autumn-festival-2013-flyer%281%29%281%29[1].doc
08/26/2013 恭喜本校朱若妤同學,榮獲新澤西2013青年皇后。Congratulations to Ms. Jenny Chu who won the 2013 Miss New Jersey Jr. Teen Queen
08/24/2013 9/21/2013: 開學 (First day of School)!!
06/17/2013 2013-2014 維德新學生報名表, New Student Registration Form 新生報名表下載 registration form download
06/14/2013 2013 孟郡中文夏令營(Monmouth Chinese Summer Camp) 8/19-8/23報名表下載 Camper Application Form
05/21/2013 恭喜本校朱若妤同學,新澤西中文學校協會國語演講比賽,高年級第一名 Congratulations to Ms. Jenny Chu who won the 1st place at 2013 ANJCS Speech Contest senior group .
05/09/2013 公告: 2013-2014 Registration has begun!On-Line Registration Procedure
05/01/2013 ANJCS Sport and Fun Day on May 19 2013. Registration Form
04/30/2013 年度問卷調查請填完後,於05/11/13前交給教務處or 班級老師. Please fill out the Parent Survey form and return it to the Language Department or teacher by 05/11/13.Survey_2012-2013_Englis (1).doc survey_2012-2013_Chinese (1).doc
04/28/2013 恭喜本校 袁嘉佑,袁正柔同學,代表學校參加ANJCS多媒體簡報比賽獲得高年級組第一名
04/24/2013 CSL Speech Contest Result. Congratulations to each participant students2013_CSL_Speech_Contest_Award.pdf
04/16/2013 Now accepting 2013-2014 CULTURE DEPT. SI/TA/GSI/GTA applications. Please complete all forms and submit by the deadlines indicated on the forms to your Culture Teacher or to the Culture Department. Questions? Email culture@njfcs.org. Click here to download2013-2014 SI/TA application 2013-2014 GSI/GTA application
04/14/2013 恭喜以下本校學生在新澤西中文學校協會扯鈴比賽獲獎, 中年級組第一名: 彭開麒; 雙人賽第二名: 袁正柔, 邱杰倫; 雙人賽第三名: 林智誠, 周志諭 (Congratulations to the following students who received awards at the ANJCS Yoyo Competition: Preston Peng, 1st place in Junior Division; Jonathan Yuen & Jared Chiou, 2nd place in Doubles Division; Kevin Lam & Austin Chou, 3rd place in Doubles Division.) Photo
04/12/2013 2012-2013 Parents Survey (Chinese & English versions)Survey_2012-2013_Englis (1).doc survey_2012-2013_Chinese (1).doc
04/06/2013 維德扯鈴比賽成績公佈 (FCS Yo-Yo Competition Results)2013 FCS YoYo Competition Results.pdf
03/13/2013 CSL 多媒體競賽成績,恭喜每位參加的同學,謝謝老師,家長的協助. CSL class multimedia competition results, Congratulations to each participant students.2013 Multimedia_CSL_名次.xls.xlsx
03/12/2013 第四十屆年會美東中文學校協會SAT-II(中文)考試滿分學生獎勵9h-ACS_2013_SATII_Chinese.pdf
03/12/2013 第四十屆年會美東中文學校協會榮譽學生提名辦法9g-ACS_2013_Honor_Society.pdf
03/12/2013 第四十屆年會美東中文學校協會優秀學生獎申請辦法9f-ACS_2013_ACS_Scholarship.pdf
03/12/2013 2013 美東聯成公所青少年文化常識比賽2013LinSingCulturalContest.doc 2013LinSingForm.doc
03/03/2013 6-H3年級多媒體競賽成績,恭喜每位參加的同學,謝謝老師,家長的協助. 6-H3 grade multimedia competition results, Congratulations to each participant students.2013 MultiMedia_Traditioanl ??????.xlsx
02/21/2013 ANJCS中文演講比賽ANJCS_2013_SpeechContest.doc
02/20/2013 2013 FCS Off-Campus Performance Photos at Marlboro Memorial Middle School, Frank Defino Central and Robertsville Elementary Schools2013 Off-Campus Performance Photos
02/17/2013 FCS Multimedia Contest Registration Form (Due to Chines New Year Culture Performance, 6-8 grade contest has been moved to 3/2/13) poster_multimedia_contest_registration_form _Revised.doc


02/07/2013 ANJCS 校際多媒體簡報比賽 ANJCS_2013_multimedia_contest.doc
02/07/2013 ANJCS 中華文化常識比賽ANJCS2013_ChineseCultureContest (1).doc
01/29/2013 Flushing NY 農曆新年活動Chinese New Year Activities.docx
01/23/2013 第七屆慈濟盃中文演講比賽Infomation & Rules.pdf Registration Form.pdf
01/10/2013 升學教育及防癌健康講座College and Health workshop.doc _Chinese version.doc College and Health workshop.doc
01/06/2013 華裔青少年回台各項營隊OCAC 2013 Summer programs.docx
01/05/2013 2012-2013 Parent Duty Roster (家長輪值表). Please click here.Parent Duty Roster
01/04/2013 教務處公告:2012-2013中文演講比賽結果(1st Grade to 7th Grade)。祝賀所有參加演講比賽的學生,感謝所有教師和家長的合作,。演講比賽非常成功。Speech contest was very successful. Congratulations to all students to participate in speech contest, thanks to all teachers and parents cooperation. 2012_Speech_Contest_1_7_Award_v1 (1) Revised.pdf
12/09/2012 教務處公告:2012-2013中文演講比賽結果(8th Grade to H3 Grade)。2012_Speech_Contest_8_H3_Award.pdf
12/06/2012 教務處公告:新澤西維德中文學校 SAT 中文模擬考試 National Preparation Test for SAT Subject Test in Chinese with Listening 維德中文學校將於3月09日2013年舉行SAT 中文模擬考試NCACLS_SAT_Manual2013 (2).pdf SAT student enrollment form.doc
11/23/2012 新澤西州維德中文學校演講朗誦比賽規則與辦法 FCS Speech Competition Rules and methodsSpeech_Contest_Guideline_for_2012-2013_revised.doc
11/10/2012 202 中華民國僑生手冊2012 Overseas Chinese Student Guidebook.pdf
11/09/2012 NO School on 11/10/2012, Scheduled off week.
11/01/2012 NO School on 11/3/2012, School will be closed due to hurricane.
10/27/2012 2013年海外華裔青年語文研習班page4.doc
10/27/2012 2013年海外華裔青年語文研習班 Overseas Chinese Language workshopspage1.doc page2.doc page3.doc
09/28/2012 This Saturday (9/29/2012) at MiniGym (to the left of main entrance) 10:30 am, we have Teacher-Lee's (Wen Lee) 15-min 江八點 and 15-min 鄭多燕 exercise. Just walk in to join us for one whole happy day!!( 江八點 video ) ( 鄭多燕 video )
09/12/2012 3rd Annual Mid-Autumn Festival 中 秋 節 - Sunday, September 30th, Marlboro H.S., 2-5 p.m. Moon Cake Tasting, Entertainment, Prizes, Kite Flying Contest! Join the festivities and celebrate the Moon Festival with friends and family. FREE to the public. (link to flyer)中 秋 節 3rd Annual Mid-Autumn Festival & Kite Flying Contest
09/01/2012 2012-2013 Language/Cultural classroom assignment. 2012-2013 Classroom Assignment
08/22/2012 FCS 2012-2013 Registration FormFCS 2012-2013 Registration Form
05/06/2012 年度問卷調查請填完後,於06/02前交給班級老師. Please fill out the Parent Survey form and return it to the teacher by 06/02.問卷調查 (傳統班) Parent Survey form (CSL)
05/03/2012 公告: 2012-2013 Registration has begun!On-Line Registration Procedure Password Recovery
05/01/2012 教務處公告: 2012 CSL Speech Contest Result2012 CSL speech contest result.pdf
04/29/2012 2012-2013 TA and SI Application deadline extended to 5/5/12. You must complete and return all 3 Forms. GSI and GTA Applications are due 6/2/12. Thank you.
04/29/2012 恭喜以下本校學生在新澤西中文學校協會扯鈴比賽獲獎, 低年級組第二名: 袁正柔, 高年級組第一名: 陳芳瑜, 雙人賽第一名: 周志諭, 杜志鴻, 雙人賽第三名: 邱杰倫,袁正柔 (Congratulations to following students who received awards at the ANJCS Yoyo contest - Jonathan Yuen, 2nd place in Youth Division; Christine Chen, 1st place in Senior Division; Austin Chou and Steven Tu, 1st place in Doubles Division; Jared Chiou and Jonathan Yuen, 3rd place in Doubles Division.)
04/27/2012 2012 孟郡中文夏令營(Monmouth Chinese Summer Camp)Application Forms2012 Summer Camp Registration Form 2012 Summer Camp TA Application Form 2012 Summer Camp Teacher Staff Application Form
04/26/2012 教務處公告Now accepting Language department Teacher Assistant (TA) applications. (All application forms are due by 5/28/12. FCS_SI_TA_rules_&_guildline_2007[1].doc FCS_TA_Application_Form_2012-13[1].doc
04/21/2012 維德扯鈴比賽成績公佈 (FCS Yo-Yo Competition Results)請按這裡 (click here)
04/14/2012 教務處公告: 申請2012畢業學生,結業學生,請於05/12/12前將表格送至教務處. Please submit the Graduation Application and Completion Certificate Application for 2012 to Language Department by 5/12/12. 申請表格請按這裡 (Click here)
04/13/2012 ANJCS 文化常識比賽, 恭喜黃安筑, 梅新瑞, 袁嘉佑, 袁正柔代表維德中文學校參加中年級組比賽, 得到第三名 Congratulations to the student who won 3rd place awards in 2012 ANJCS cultural knowledge contest the
04/11/2012 Now accepting 2012-2013 Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) and Graduate Teaching Assistant Applications are due by 6/2/12.2012-13 GSI/GTA Application SI/TA Rules & Guidelines
04/11/2012 Now accepting Student Instructor (SI) and Teaching Assistant (TA) applications. All 3 forms (application, Parent Volunteer Form, Signed TA/SI Rules & Guidelines are due by 4/28/12. 2012-13 TA/SI Application TA/SI Rules & Guidlines Parent Volunteer Form
04/03/2012 恭喜本校朱若妤同學,美東中文學校協會國語演講比賽,中年級第三名 Congratulations to the student who won awards in 2012 ANJCS speech contest the 3rd place in Junior group
03/14/2012 39th Annual Conference 第卅九屆年會報名表11a-ACS%202012%20Registration%20form-1.pdf
03/14/2012 39th Annual Conference 第卅九屆年會報名表~21b-ACS%202012%20Registration%20form-2.pdf
03/14/2012 中華文化常識問答比賽規則4b-ACS%202012%20Cultural%20ContestRules.pdf
03/14/2012 39th Annual Conference 第三十九屆年會學生活動報名表 8-ACS%202012%20Night%20Performance%20Program.pdf
03/14/2012 范道南清寒學生獎學金申請辦法9i-ACS%202012%20Dow%20Nang%20Fan.pdf
03/14/2012 39th Annual Conference 第卅九屆年會晚會表演節目報名表8-ACS 2012 Night Performance Program.pdf
03/13/2012 2012 ACS 年會壁報設計比賽辦法及規則,有意參加者(十一歲至十六歲),帶作品到學校找繪本創作谷筠竹老師面試ACS%202012%20Poster%20Contest.pdf
03/13/2012 第三十九屆年會SAT-II (中文) 考試滿分學生獎勵提名表ACS%SATII%20Chinese.pdf
03/13/2012 ACS中華文化常識問答比賽4a-ACS%202012%20Cultural%20Registration%20Form.pdf
03/13/2012 ANJCS 2012 年會 多媒體比賽2011_2012_ANJCS_multimedia_contest.doc
03/13/2012 ACS 2012 年會 多媒體比賽5-ACS%202012%20Multi-Media%20Registration%20form.pdf
03/13/2012 第三十九屆美東中文學校協會,國語演講比賽規則2-ACS%202012%20Speech%20Contest.pdf
03/13/2012 第三十九屆年會榮譽學生提名表ACS Student Honor Society Nomination FormACS%HonoRSociety.pdf
03/13/2012 第三十九屆年會美東中文學校協會優秀學生獎申請辦法ACS%Scholarship.pdf
03/13/2012 教務處公告:華語文教師與文化教師歡迎的海外民俗文化種子教師培訓班http://www.wceoprogram.org/OCAC/index.aspx http://www.wceoprogram.org/OCAC/register_login.aspx
03/10/2012 REVISED 教務處公告:CSL多媒體競賽成績,恭喜每位參加的同學CSL multimedia competition results, Congratulations to each participant studentsmutimedia_contest_result.xlsx11.xlsx
03/04/2012 教務處公告:H1,H2,H3年級多媒體競賽成績,恭喜每位參加的同學H1,H2,H3 grade multimedia competition results, Congratulations to each participant studentsmutimedia contest result.xlsx
03/04/2012 教務處公告:維德文化常識比賽結果:第一名: 黃安筑,第二名: 黃昭蓉,第三名: 梅新瑞;第四名: 袁嘉佑,榮譽獎: 袁正柔,希望明年有更多學生踴躍參加
03/02/2012 教務處公告:臺灣書院講座活動Taiwan Academy Lecture Series Wednesday, March 7th, 2012 @2:00 - 4:00pm Taiwan Academy Lecture.doc
02/26/2012 教務處公告:六,七,八年級多媒體競賽成績,恭喜每位參加的同學6.7.8 grade multimedia competition results, Congratulations to each participant studentsmutimedia contest result- Lower.xlsx
02/09/2012 教務處公告:第六屆慈濟盃中文演講比賽於四月21日舉行,隨信附上詳細的比賽內容及報名辦法,請您於3月10日前將報名表寄出.對於訊息有問題請您回函告知,主辦單位將立即與您聯絡。download.pdf 2012 form PDF.pdf
02/06/2012 教務處公告:中華民國兒童美術教育學會於2012年8月28日至9月23日期間在國立台灣藝術教育館舉行「中華民國第43屆世界兒童畫展」,參賽者須為6歲至15歲在校生,作品收件截止:2012年4月20日 ;詳細訊息http://ed.arte.gov.tw101.01.31-10.doc 101.01.31-10-english.doc
02/06/2012 More photos including Off Campus Performance and Dinner Party Magician (Jon Tai) photos have been added IMG_2009 forward. Congratulations to all of our student and adult performers and teachers for providing a fantastic and truly memorable show this year! The Calligraphy, Craft and Drawing displays were beautiful. View the 2012 新年表演 Chinese New Year of the Dragon Photo Collections here... 2012 新年表演 (Chinese New Year Photos) Magician Dinner Party Performance Photos
01/30/2012 Chinese New Year Off-Campus Performances on Friday 2/3. We'll be visiting 3 schools: Dugan and Asher Holmes Elementary Schools and Marlboro Middle School this year. Thank you to all students, teachers, and parents who have volunteered!Off Campus MC Scripts Driving Directions Program Flow
01/30/2012 February 4th. Chinese New Year Performance 2:30-4:30 p.m. Language classes end at 10:45 a.m. Students report directly to culture classes for practice and rehearsals.Click here for flyer
01/21/2012 **** Urgent Announcement (1/21/2012)**** Due to the inclement weather, FCS is closed today. Happy New Year!
01/17/2012 教務處公告: 校內文化常識跟多媒體比賽報名 (FCS Cultural knowledge and Multimedia contest registration) http://www.njfcs.org/fcs/page?component=cultural_special_2011
01/06/2012 教務處公告:中華民國僑務委員會近期全新編製完成「小豆豆學華語精選輯」教材係「快樂學華語」第一、二集之基礎延伸,特針對K1~K3程度之學童。 http://media.huayuworld.org/lang/basic/ch_read/index.htm
01/06/2012 教務處公告:101年「僑教雙週刊」新增「兒童文化專刊」(每月1、16日出刊)、「悅讀悅樂專刊」(每月1日出刊)歡迎老師們上網閱覽及下載使用。 http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/biweekly
12/25/2011 教務處公告:The CCC in NY and ANJCS will hold a 海外聯招宣導說明會2:00 PM on Saturday January 7, 2012 at Edison Chinese School ANJCS.doc ANJCS%201-7-2012.doc
12/17/2011 教務處公告:2012年海外僑生回台灣就讀大學開始受理報名,詳細資訊請點閱僑務委員會網站http://www.ocac.gov.tw/僑生輔導服務/招生訊息/海外聯招會招生簡章查詢2012ocac.doc
12/12/2011 教務處公告:2011-2012中文演講比賽結果。 祝賀所有參加演講比賽的學生,感謝所有教師和家長的合作,。 演講比賽非常成功。Speech contest was very successful. Congratulations to all students to participate in speech contest, thanks to all teachers and parents cooperation. 2011-2012 speech contest result(1).xlsx
12/06/2011 教務處公告:新澤西維德中文學校 SAT 中文模擬考試 National Preparation Test for SAT Subject Test in Chinese with Listening 維德中文學校將於3月10日2012年舉行SAT 中文模擬考試,八年級與高一班學生得一律參加,並由學校統一報名。其他有興趣參加的學生請在1月28日2012年前向教務處報名.SAT student enrollment%20form[1].doc 2011-2012%20SAT.pdf
12/06/2011 教務處公告: 臺北文化中心將於12月15日(週四)下午3時至4時,於辦事處一樓舉行臺灣書院系列活動:中國書法與現代藝術講座。Taipei Cultural Center on December 15 日 (Thursday) afternoon from 3 pm to 4 pm, at the NY office on the first floor : Chinese calligraphy and modern art lectures. Chinese Art.docx
11/11/2011 教務處公告: 新澤西詩歌朗誦比賽: 初級組: 9歲以下, 中級組: 9(含)至13歲, 高級組ANJCS%20Junior%202011-2012[1].pdf ANJCS%20Middle%202011-2012[1].pdf ANJCS%20Senior%202011-2012[1].pdf
11/11/2011 教務處公告: 新澤西地區漢字文化節系列活動詩歌朗誦比賽2011年ANJCS Poem Contest登記表Please find the 2011 ANJCS Poem Contest Registration Form2011_2012_ANJCS_Poem_Contest%20Final[1].doc
11/08/2011 教務處公告: 100年度紐約地區「漢字文化節」系列活動—「漢字趣味大賽」將於2011年11月26日(星期六)上午十時至下午三時,在紐約華僑文教服務中心舉行賽程包括(一)中文電腦打字識字比賽(二)漢字五子棋比賽(三)漢字認讀比賽。內容豐富多元,不僅可幫助學生了解自己的學習情況,也可從競賽中獲得學中文的樂趣及榮譽感! "Chinese Cultural Festival" series - "characters interesting contest," 2011 11 月 26 日10 am to 3 pm at Chinese Culture Center in New York, the schedule includes (1) Chinese computer typing game literacy (2) characters backgammon game (3) characters to recognize and read the game. registration[1].doc 主辦單位網址 web 比賽內容跟辦法
11/07/2011 教務處公告:全美中文學校聯合總會 2011年全美青少年動畫比賽【2011年全美青少年動畫比賽申請表格】National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools (NCACLS) Contest is extended to Nov 30, 2011. We encourage all students to participate. NCACLS contest_registration_form1.doc NCACLSanimationcontest2.doc roc_100_logo[1].doc
10/27/2011 教務處公告:2011-2012演講朗誦比賽規則與辦法Speech_Contest_Guideline_for_2011-2012[1][1].doc
10/10/2011 教務處公告:學生/家長請多利用e課本資源. Please utilize the eBook links for your Chinese learning. 今年將不實施課本回收/NO Textbook Recycling this year -All students can keep Textbook for 2011-2012 school year eBook Links
09/29/2011 2011-2012 Parent Duty Roster (家長輪值表). Please click here.2011-2012_Paren_Duty_Roster_1108.xlsx
09/10/2011 The deadline of the 2011 animation contest is 9/24/2011. Please click here for detail information. 2011-NCACLS_2011_animation_contest_registration_form.docx 2011_NCACLS_2011_animation_contest.docx 2011_NCACLS_roc_100_logo.docx
09/07/2011 2011-2012 Language and Culture classroom assignments. Please click here.2011-12 Language and Culture Classrooms
08/25/2011 2nd Annual Mid-Autum Festival, Saturday 9/10/11, 2-4 pm, Marlboro HS. See attached Flier...2011 Mid-Autumn Festival Flier 2010 Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival Pictures
05/19/2011 恭喜本校以下學生在2011ANJCS多媒體比賽獲獎. (Congratulations to the following students who won awards in 2011 ANJCS Multi-Media Contest.) 中年級第二名 (2nd place in Junior group): 朱若妤, 邱杰迪, 張立心 高年級第一名 (1st place in Senior group): 蔡睿瑋, 蔡睿瑜 雙語班第二名 (2nd place in CSL group): 袁嘉俊(Austin Yuen), 馮卓俊(Mathew Fung), 鄧智軒(Justin Tang)
05/19/2011 恭喜本校以下學生在2011ANJCS青少年中華文化常識問答比賽獲獎. (Congratulations to the following students who won awards in 2011 ANJCS Chinese Culture Contest.) 中年級第三名 (Third place in Junior group): 指導老師 (Advisor) 王寶連 (Pauline Wang); 學生 (Students): 黃安筑, 梅新瑞, 袁嘉佑, 袁正柔 個人組(Individual) 第一名(1st): 黃安筑 第三名(3rd): 黃昭蓉
05/14/2011 恭喜以下本校學生在5月14月的新澤西中文學校協會扯鈴比賽獲獎, 低年級組第二名: 彭開麒, 高年級組第三名: 陳芳瑜, 雙人組第三名: 周志諭 & 杜志鴻 (Congratulations to following students who received awards at the ANJCS Yoyo competition on 5/14 - Preston Peng won the 2nd place in the Youth Division, Christine Chen won the 3rd place in the Senior Division, and Austin Chou & Steven Tu won the 3rd place in the doubles division.)
05/12/2011 100年華文網路種子師資培訓線上課程說明Details 基礎班報名表 進階班報名資料表
05/07/2011 維德中文學校扯鈴比賽結果 FCS Internal YoYo Competition Results Announcement. Congratulations to all!!比賽結果 & Photos (Thanks to Eric Wu)
04/30/2011 2011-2012 Registration has begun!On-Line Registration Procedure Password Recovery
04/30/2011 FCS Internal Yo-Yo Competition, May 7th, Main Auditorium. Good luck contestants!
04/30/2011 Now accepting applications for 2011-2012 Culture Teaching Assistants and Student Instructors. Please print, complete and return the Application, Rules & Guidelines, and Parents Volunteer Forms on or before 5/14/11. 2011-2012 Culture TA/SI Application TA and SI Rules and Guidelines 2011-2012 Culture TA/SI Parent Volunteer Form
04/28/2011 教務處公告: CSL Speech Contest Results雙語班演講朗誦比賽成績2010 CSL Speech Contest Results
04/21/2011 2011-2012 online registration is started, please click the registration link on the left-side main menu to proceed.
04/07/2011 第七屆全球華文網路教育研討會」將在2011年6月17日至19日台北舉行.細節請按這裡 (Click here)
04/06/2011 2011僑務委員會民俗文化種子教師培訓班第二梯次開始報名報名網站請按這裡 (Click here) 新聞稿 文宣
04/02/2011 教務處公告:維德中文學校2011 ACS學生獎勵甄選提名辦法,申請學生請於04/09 12:00pm前將表格與相關文件送至教務處(最後期限!) Forms of ACS/ANJCS Convention Awards for H-class students. Please submit forms and required documents to language department by 04/09 12:00pm.請按這裡 (Click here) 相關表格下載
04/01/2011 Due to the 2011-2012 school resources planning is still not finalized, our on-line 2011-2012 registration will be postponed until further notice. We appologize for the inconvenience.
03/30/2011 2011 孟郡中文夏令營(Monmouth Chinese Summer Camp)Application FormsCamper Application Form TA Application Form Teacher/Staff Application Form
03/29/2011 2010-2011 維德中文學校壁報暨多媒體比賽CSL組成績 Multimedia/Poster Contest result for CSL. 各組第一名將代表本校於05/07參加ANJCS多媒體比賽. The 1st place winner of each group will represent FCS and compete in ANJCS Multimedia/Poster Contest on 05/07.請按這裡 (Click here)
03/29/2011 教務處公告:2011美東中文學校協會國語演講比賽05/28/2011,有意報名者於04/02前向教務處登記,由教務處甄選各組一位報名,九至十一歲為中年級組,十二至十六歲為高年級組。(年齡以04/30/2011為界) ACS Speech contest on 05/28, please contact Language Department by 04/02, FCS will pick one student for each group to represent the school. 國語演講比賽規則
03/21/2011 教務處公告:2011第五屆慈濟盃中文演講比賽04/16/2011,D 組:5 ~ 6 歲 (04/17/2004 ~ 04/16/2006 出生)仍可報名,有意報名者請洽教務處.
03/21/2011 2010-2011 維德中文學校壁報暨多媒體比賽高年級組成績 Multimedia/Poster Contest result for Senior Level請按這裡 (Click here)
03/17/2011 2011 ACS壁報設計比賽(05/28 2:00pm)隊伍甄試:有意參加者(十一歲至十六歲),請於本周六(03/26)帶作品找繪本創作谷筠竹老師面試.
03/08/2011 2010-2011 維德中文學校壁報暨多媒體比賽中年級組成績 Multimedia/Poster Contest result for Junior Level 請按這裡 (Click here)
03/08/2011 教務處公告:與僑務委員會確認後,今年課本回收計畫先暫停實施/Textbook Recycling Program has been postponed after confirmation with OCAC.
03/08/2011 美東中文學校協會/新澤西中文學校協會 2011年會學生比賽和活動, 有興趣者請洽教務處於04/09前報名甄試. ACS/ANJCS 2011 Convention student contest and activities. Please contact Language Department by 04/09 if you are interested.相關資料下載
03/08/2011 美東中文學校協會/新澤西中文學校協會 2011高年級學生獎勵申請表格,申請學生請於04/02前將表格與相關文件送至教務處. ACS/ANJCS Convention forms for H-class students. Please submit forms and required documents to language department on 04/02.相關表格下載
03/07/2011 2011 ANJCS Chess Registration FormMarch 2011 ANJCS Chess Registration
02/28/2011 教務處公告:2011第五屆慈濟盃中文演講比賽04/16/2011,有意報名者請準備出生証明影本於03/08前向教務處登記,由教務處統一甄選報名參加.簡章 報名表
02/23/2011 2011 Off Campus Performance Photos are now available for viewing!2011 Off Campus Photos
02/14/2011 2011 Chinese New Year Performance & Party PhotosFCS Photo Page on Fickr Herman Lee's 2011 CNY Performance Photos
02/02/2011 2011僑務委員會民俗文化種子教師研習Details
01/07/2011 2011 Off Campus Chinese New Year Performance. Our students will perform at Marlboro Elementary School, Robertsville Elementary Schools in Marlboro Twp. and Milford Brook Elementary School in Manalpan. Permission forms for students participating are due on 1/22. Follow the link to print the form.2/18/11 CNY Off Campus Performance Permission Form
01/07/2011 教務處公告:美東中文學校協會多媒體比賽(ANJCS Multimedia Contest)於2011年4月30日舉行.Rules
12/24/2010 教務處公告:12/04, 12/11 一至十年級演講朗誦比賽結果 (The result of 1st - 10th grade speech contest.)2010 Speech Contest Results(revised 12/24/10)
12/24/2010 教務處公告: 2010-2011 校內壁報暨多媒體比賽報名表 (FCS Poster & Multimedia contest registration form). Please submit it before 1/10/2011 download the form
12/20/2010 教務處公告:2011 SAT中文模擬考試 National Preparation Test for SAT Subject Test in ChineseAnnouncement SAT student enrollment form SAT手冊2010-2011
11/08/2010 教務處公告:大紐約地區漢字文化節第二屆漢字趣味大賽於11月27日(星期六)上午十時至下午三時在紐約華僑文教服務中心舉行,有興趣參加的學生請在11月17日前跟教務主任或是校長報名. 比賽內容跟辦法 主辦單位網址
09/30/2010 2010-2011 家長輪值表 (Parent On-Duty Schedule) 請按這裡 (Click here)
09/21/2010 Notice from Marlboro school board - DO NOT USE the Activeboard (WHITE BOARD) in the classrooms. The cost of the Activeboard is $6,000. See attachment. 請按這裡(Click here)
09/11/2010 OCAC sponsored Double Ten Celebration Concert (僑務委員會贊助 雙十慶典音樂表演) will be held at Parsippany High School on 9/25.請按這裡(Click here)
09/10/2010 新澤西雙十升旗典禮 Double Tenth celebration at New Jersey on 10/3/20 at Crowne Plaza Hotel請按這裡(Click here)
09/01/2010 Township's "Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival Event"請按這裡(Click here)
08/17/2010 Outside Drawing Contest for children - 2010陽明海運第三屆國際兒童繪畫比賽請按這裡(Click here)
08/17/2010 六佾舞 prictice schedule August and September請按這裡(Click here)
06/20/2010 6/19 期末表演、結業暨畢業典禮照片 (year-end performance, closing and Graduation ceremony photo)請按這裡(Click here)
06/10/2010 維德月刊六月份已經發行 (2010 June Newsletter is available), 請按這裡 (click here)
05/30/2010 恭喜本校以下學生在新澤西暨美東中文學校協會2010年會比賽中獲獎. (Congratulation to the following students who won awards in 2010 ANJCS/ACS convention contests.) 文化常識比賽, 常識組第一名 (Cultural knowledge contest, First place in mixed age group), 指導老師 (Advisor): 王寶連 (Pauline Wang); 學生 (Students): 劉展宇(John Liou) , 黃昭蓉 (Grace Huang), 梅新瑞 (Brandon May), 黃安筑 (Andrew Huang); 高年級組演講比賽第四名 (Fourth Place in Senior Group of Speech Contest): 蔣立 (Sheldon Chiang) , 中年級組演講比賽第四名 (Fourth Place in Junior Group of Speech Contest): 朱若妤 (Jenny Chu).
05/24/2010 5/22/10 高四班和雙語高級班壁報暨多媒體比賽成績公佈(The result of H4 and CSL-ADV Poster & Multimedia Contest) 請按這裡 (click here)
05/21/2010 本校公開徵才 - 歡迎任何有興趣教中文語言跟文化課程的朋友加入我們的教師陣容, 詳情請聯絡教務主任 language@njfcs.org , TEL: 732-626-0490
05/20/2010 學校二○○九 ~ 二○一○學年度問卷調查 (School 2009-2010 Survey)傳統班請按這裡, CSL class click here
05/15/2010 五月一日維德鈴比賽成績公佈 (The results of FCS Yo-Yo Competition) 請按這裡 (click here)
05/08/2010 恭喜以下本校學生在五月八月的新澤西中文學校協會扯鈴比賽獲獎, 低年級組第一名: 彭開麒, 中年級組第一名: 林智誠, 高年級組第二名: 陳芳瑜 (Congratulations to following students who received awards in 5/8 ANJCS Yoyo contest - Preston Peng won the 1st place in the Youth group, Kevin Lam won the 1st place in the Junior group, Christine Chen won the 2nd place in the high school group.)
05/08/2010 本校將於五月二十二日上午十點到十二點舉行開放日,歡迎有興趣學習中文的家庭來學校參觀,如果需要學校資訊,請跟校長聯絡 principal@njfcs.org 。(FCS Open House is on 5/22 from 10am – 12pm. Any family interested at learning Chinese is welcome. Please contact principal@njfcs.org for more information.) 學校簡介請按這裡 (click here for school brochure)
04/29/2010 CSL Speech Contest Results雙語班演講朗誦比賽成績CSL Speech Contest Results
03/25/2010 新澤西中文學校協會2010年會相關表格下載請按這裡
03/15/2010 2/19/2010 維德中文學校新年校外表演照片 (FCS Chinese New Year off-campus Performance photo)請按這裡 (click here)
03/15/2010 2010 孟郡中文夏令營開始報名了(Monmouth County Chinese Summer Camp registration starts.) 請按這裡 (click here)
03/12/2010 Mountain Lion spotted near MMS. Please use caution when stay outdoorclick here for detail news
03/11/2010 2010-2011 文化小老師跟助教申請 (Cultural SI/TA application) 3/13 - 4/17 請按這裡 (click here)
03/07/2010 三月六日壁報暨多媒體比賽成績公佈(The result of Poster & Multimedia Contest)請按這裡 (Click here)
03/01/2010 CSAT Test Data Bank for CSL Beginner and Intermediate ClassesCSL-Beginner Exit Criteria CSL-Intermediate Exit Criteria
02/26/2010 學校2/27語言課跟文化課都正常上課, 請小心開車.(School will have normal language and cultural classes on 2/27. Please drive carefully.)
02/25/2010 2/20/2010 維德中文學校新年表演照片 (FCS Chinese New Year Performance photo)click here
02/22/2010 三月二十日將舉辦校內中華文化常識趣味比賽, 12:30 pm at cafeteria.報名與比賽細節請按這裡
02/06/2010 二月二十日新年晚宴購票注意事項 (2/20 Chinese New Year Dinner Party announcement請按這裡 (click here)
01/18/2010 2010年台灣國科會候鳥計畫, 僑委會在台灣各項青(少)年活動相關資訊 請按這裡
01/08/2010 臺大中文系「國際學生學士班」招生中 (Chinese Bachelor Degree in Taiwan University. Recruitment 1/1 - 3/15/2010)細節請按這裡 (click here for more details)
01/08/2010 學校明天(1/9)將正常上課 (We will have regular language and cultural classes tomorrow (1/9).)
12/11/2009 2010 SAT中文模擬考試 National Preparation Test for SAT Subject Test in Chinese 2010 Chinese SAT announcement CSAT_Registration2010 全美SAT手冊2010
12/08/2009 12/5,12 一到十二年級演講朗誦比賽結果 (The result of 1st - 12th grade speech contest.) 請按這裡 (click here)
11/12/2009 因為下雨, 消防演習延期到 11/21 (Because it will rain, the fire drill has been postponed to 11/21.) 消防演習程序請看這裡 (Please click here for fire drill procedure.)
11/12/2009 2009-2010 Speech Contest Guidelines演講比賽規則
11/11/2009 Holiday Nursing Home Visit program on 12/5. Visit PA Activities link for the details.
11/10/2009 Holiday New and Used Toy Drive on 11/14 and 11/21 at PA's help desk. Visit PA Activities link for details.
11/05/2009 11/17, 紀念秋瑾電影在「新州華人中心」放映. (A documentary film "Autumn Gem" scheduled to be screened at the NJ Chinese Community Center.) 世界日報報導, Flyer, Introduction in English
10/31/2009 10/31 學校萬聖節遊行照片 (Halloween Parade Photo), 請按這裡 (Please click here) , 跟這裡 (and here)
10/28/2009 The "Account Update" and Registration" menu links will not be available for maintenance starting 10/30/09, Friday, 8 am ET to 11/2/09, Monday, 9 am ET. This is due to the registration site unavailability. We apologize for any inconvenience.
10/27/2009 西東大學主辦第四屆中美文化論比賽. (The 4th Chinese Cultural Project Contest hosted by Seton Hall University).Click here for more details.
10/27/2009 紐約地區漢字文化節系列活動 - 漢字趣味大賽. 2009年11月28日(星期六)上午十時至下午三時. 有興趣參加的學生請在十一月十五日前跟教務主任或是校長報名. 比賽內容跟辦法
10/21/2009 The FCS registration site will not be available for maintenance starting 10/30/09, Friday, 8 am ET to 11/2/09, Monday, 9am ET. This will result in unavailability of "My Account" and Registration" menu items. We appologize for any inconvenience.
10/07/2009 學校十月十日正常上課, 專題講座 - 關心維德 (School has regular class on 10/10, and there will be a seminar - Care FCS 10 AM at mini-auditorium.)
09/24/2009 僑委會紐約僑教中心感謝本校家長捐款給台灣88水災感謝信
09/15/2009 學校這星期舉行開學典禮, 所有家長跟學生請在上午九點半之前直接到大禮堂就坐. (School has Opening Ceremony this week, 9/26/2009. All students and parents should directly go to main-auditorium before 9:30am.)
09/13/2009 『我愛台灣,讓愛起飛』~~第一屆「夢想成真兒童繪畫及才藝慈善嘉年華」活動與報名細節
09/12/2009 雙十國慶文化訪問團賑災義演 (Campus Folk Songs accompanied by the Taipei Neo Wave Ensemble)7pm on Oct 11, 2009.中文細節 Details in English
09/09/2009 學校將於九月十二日開學,當天課語言跟文化課教室位置 (School will start on 9/12. The language and cultural classes location)請按這裡 (click here for pdf file)
09/09/2009 學校將於九月十二日開學,當天課語言跟文化課教室位置 (School will start on 9/12. The language and cultural classes location)請按這裡 (click here for pdf file)
09/08/2009 FCS H1N1 & flu health planclick here for details
09/01/2009 美門教門會華人賑基災督音教樂會會定於9 月19日星期六下午7:30 ,舉辦「台灣88賑災音樂會」 (Taiwan 88 Flood Relief Benefit Concert Invitation by Monmouth Chinese Christian Church (MCCC) at 7:30 pm, Saturday, September 19, 2009. ) click here for details
08/21/2009 理事會在八月份花了許多精神修訂學校章程,在此公告(School announces the updated Bylaws after Board spent a lot of effort in August.), 請按這裡看新的章程 (click here) to access updated Bylaws
08/12/2009 台灣發生五十年來的大水災, 學校發起捐款救災, 請大家踴躍捐款 (Donation for Taiwan 8/8 flood).click here for details in pdf file
08/07/2009 更新2009-2010 學年度行事曆 (Updated School calendar), 請按這裡 (click here) for V5, 8/12/2009
06/15/2009 6/13/2009 學校期末表演,結業以及畢業典禮照片 (FCS year-end performance, closing/graduation ceremony photo)click here
06/09/2009 認字比賽結果請按這裡 (Click here for word recognition contest result)
06/06/2009 2009-2010 多媒體壁報比賽 (Multimedia poster contest) 比賽細節與辦法 (Click here for details & rules) 報名表 (Registration form)
05/30/2009 2009年僑委會海外民俗文化種子教師培訓計畫Brochure side 1 in pdf Brochure side 2 in pdf
05/23/2009 恭喜本校以下學生在新澤西中文學校協會2009年會比賽中獲獎. (Congratulation to the following students who won awards in ANJCS convention contests.)
  • 壁報比賽第一名 (First place in poster contest), 指導老師 (Advisor): 柯武寧 (Wunning Ko); 學生 (Students): 柯恩 (Jonathan Ko), 葉婕如 (Michelle Yeh), 顧正玲 (Kimberly Koo), 鐘因瑋 (Benson I-W Chong)
  • 文化常識比賽, 常識組第一名 (Cultural knowledge contest, First place in mixed age group), 指導老師 (Advisor): 王寶連 (Pauline Wang); 學生 (Students): 黃安筑 (Andrew Huang), 黃昭蓉 (Grace Huang), 趙振威 (David Chao), 梅新瑞 (Brandon May)
  • 高年級組演講比賽第三名 (Third Place in Senior Group of Speech Contest): 蕭芷茵 (April Shiau)
05/18/2009 新年度招生已經開始, 歡迎有興趣學中文的家庭報名 (2009-2010 registrations are being accepted for age 4 through high school senior.) 註冊表格 學校簡介
05/12/2009 維德中文學校受邀參加本鎮5/17的國殤節遊行, 請有興趣參加的人在上午十一點十五分在79號公路, 皇冠餐廳對面的郵局廣場集合. (FCS is invited to join Marlboro Memorial Day Parade on 5/17. If you would like to participate FCS team, please arrive 11:15 AM at Marlboro Post Office Plaza at Rt 79 & School Rd.)
05/09/2009 五月九日理事改選投票結果, (The result of Board election on 5/9.)選舉結果 (result in pdf file)
05/06/2009 維德中文學校將於五月十六日上午十點到十二點舉辦學校開放日, 歡迎有興趣學中文的家庭蒞臨參觀. (FCS will have Open House at 10-12 on 5/16. Any family interested at learning Mandarin is welcome.)download details in pdf file
04/26/2009 恭喜本校以下學生在新澤西中文學校協會比賽中獲獎: 八年級陳芳瑜獲得扯鈴中年級個人組冠軍; 高二黃君謙獲得扯鈴雙人組第一名;高三喻爾軒獲得象棋比賽高年級組第二名 (Congratulation to the following students won awards in ANJCS contests, Christine Chen won the 1st place in Yoyo Junior Single Group, Channing Huang won the 1st place in Yoyo Double Group, Timothy Yu won the 2nd place in Chess Senior division.)
04/23/2009 新澤西中文學校協會第二屆年會The 2nd annual Association of New Jersey Chinese Schools, Meeting schedule
04/05/2009 4/4/09 FCS YoYo Competition Winners Announcementresults photos
04/01/2009 ANJCS YoYo Competition(4/26/2009)Additional Info
03/29/2009 08-09 CSL Speech Contest Results08-09 CSL Speech Contest Results
03/29/2009 Congratulations to Noah Y. Lee of the first grade class, who just became our first recipient of the Chinese Reader Award. He will receive his award and a certificate on 4/4/09 from the Principal. 恭賀一年級的李以信,成為獲得中文書報閱讀獎勵辦法的第一位得獎學生。校長將於四月四日頒發獎狀與獎品。
03/10/2009 僑務委員會「2009年海外傑出青年台灣文化研習營」開始報名, registration ends on 3/15.detail in Chiense with MS-word file
03/04/2009 08-09Poster Contest Results08-09壁報比賽結果
02/26/2009 CSL Speech contest GuidelinesCSL Speech contest Guidelines
02/09/2009 二月二十一日將舉辦兩場演講 (Two seminars will be held on 2/21), 10 am - 12:20 pm at mini-auditorium. Please click the following links for more details. Joe Hsia: The impact of NJ proposed school district merge, 3/2 NJ School Consolidation Forum Info, Austin Huang: 台灣國民年金
02/06/2009 本校協助辦理二月二十一日馬波羅市的農曆新年遊行雨表演照片已經可以下載. (The photos of FCS co-organized 2/21 Marlboro Chinese New Year Parade & performance are available.detail flyer click here for parade & performance pictures
02/06/2009 本校將辦理今年孟郡中文夏令營, 八月二十四日至二十八日在含德市高中舉行. (FCS will host this year Monmouth County Chinese Summer Camp, August 24 - 28 at Holmdel High School.) , Camp description , Click here for camp application forms
02/01/2009 二月七日第二次家長大會有重要事情討論, 請大家踴躍出席. 所有家長活動必須取消. (Feb 7th is the 2nd general meeting and there will be some important discussions. Please try your best to attend it. All parent activities should be canceled.) 10 am - 11:30 am at mini-auditorium.
01/28/2009 1/31 維德中文學校慶祝農曆新年活動 (FCS celebrates Chinese New Year activities) , 行程表 (Schedule) , 學生表演節目(Performance program menu) , 晚餐座位表 (Dinner table layout)
01/24/2009 二月六日校外表演場地時間與路線 (Feb. 6 Off-campus performance Schedule & direction) click here for pdf file
01/17/2009 科技台灣探索--候鳥計劃, 歡迎海外第二代學子報名Detail in pdf file
01/10/2009 2008~2009 學年壁報比賽辦法及注意事項 2008~2009 Poster Contest Rules08_09 Poster_contes_Guideline.doc
01/10/2009 學校今天(1/10)正常上課, 請小心開車 (School has regular class today, 1/10. Please drive carefully.)
01/06/2009 全美中文學校聯合總會SAT中文模擬考試報名表及手冊 National Preparation Test for SAT Subject Test in Chinese with ListeningNJFCS_SAT_Chinese_Admission_Form_2009.doc SAT_2008-2009_manual.pdf
12/20/2008 學校今天(12/20)正常上課, 請小心開車 (School has regular class today, 12/20. Please drive carefully.)
12/14/2008 2008-2009演講朗誦比賽結果2008-2009 Speech Contest results
12/05/2008 骨髓捐驗活動 (Bone Marrow Registry Drive) on 12/20FCSBoneMarrowDrive.doc Health_guidelines.doc Match_Procedure.doc
11/23/2008 2008-2009演講朗誦比賽規則與辦法Speech Contest Guideline for 2008-2009
11/17/2008 The last week to buy discount CNYP tickets
11/14/2008 Marlboro Multi-Cultural Day on Nov 15 at Marlboro High School FCS students will perform Yoyo and Chinese fashion show.Click here for pdf file in detail
11/10/2008 Holiday Portrait Studio by Daniel Lee on 11/15Click for a flyer for further details
10/31/2008 十一月兩場教育講座在新海中文學校 (Two educational seminars in November at JSCS)Detail in Word
10/05/2008 10月11日 消防演習 (Oct 11, Fire drill) click here for fire drill message
10/03/2008 2008-2009 家長會輪值表
Parent On-Duty Schedule (updated)
FCS PA duty list 2008-2009_090219.htm
09/30/2008 十月四日第一次家長大會 (10/4 First General Meeting) Click here for agenda
09/27/2008 維德中文校扯鈴隊將於10月5日新州雙十升旗典禮中表演 (FCS Yoyo team will perform in NJ Double Ten Celebration Event, 10AM on 10/5 at The Birchwood Manor, Whippany, NJ)
09/26/2008 關於毒奶的三聚氰胺(About contaminated milk - Melamine)pdf file in Chinese FDA statement
09/24/2008 維德中文學校年度通訊錄徵求廣告刊登 (FCS Annual Directory Ad opportunity) 中文申請表下載, download English form
09/17/2008 美洲中國工程師學會大紐約區分會2008年高中獎學金 (CIE-USA/GNYC High School Student Scholarship) detail in Chinese, detail in English, form
09/14/2008 周乃璞先生遺孀 - 楊杉杉女士捐贈五百元給維德中文學校Detail in pdf file
08/31/2008 2008-2009 General curriculum for all language classes2008-2009 Language curriculum
08/27/2008 2008-2009 Classroom assignmentsclick here for pdf file
08/26/2008 8/31 林巧慈 巴露華交響樂團《勞工節週末音樂會》(Chiu-Tze Lin Bravura Philharmonic Orchestra Concert) detail in Chinese flyer in English
08/18/2008 9/13 慈濟 慈善音樂會 (charity concert by Tzu-Chi)flyer, English detail Chinese detail
08/11/2008 9/19 搖滾國樂 - 東方傳奇 (Modern Chinese Orchestra performance)ticket Detail, flyer
08/02/2008 Sadly to inform you that our FCS ex-parent Nai-Pwu Chow has passed away through a brave fight of lung cancel. For all his old dear friends, here is the location and schedule for the funeral event on Monday, August 4th, 2008
06/11/2008 Year End Picnic will take place at Turkey Swamp Park from 12:30 pm this Saturday, June 14
06/09/2008 Year End Performance pictures are athere and here.
06/05/2008 Chinese music garden concert on June 15th. For details please click here.
06/04/2008 Our donations at work! For China Earthquake Relief pictures click here and here.
05/29/2008 本校將於六月七日上午十點至十二點半舉行開放日 ,包括語言與文化課程的介紹 ,還有學生的期末文化成果表演 (FCS will have open house 10 am - 12:30 pm on June 7 including language and cultural programs introduction, and year-end performance.)Click here for more detail
05/28/2008 Word Recognition Contest Results including results of 7th and 8th grades.Click here
05/26/2008 Year-end Picnic tickets on sale at the PA Help Desk on May 31, June 7, and June 14
05/26/2008 PA to refund $30 Volunteering Assignment Deposit at the PA Help Desk on May 31, June 7, and June 14.
05/25/2008 恭喜以下學生在2008/5/24新澤西中文學校協會年會競賽中獲獎 - 壁報比賽 第一名 - 學生: 杜佳樺, 蔡睿瑋, 李以靈, 張智傑, 壁報比賽第二名 - 學生: 李以真 ,李德儀, 周志諭, 陳薇年; 演講比賽 高年級組第二名: 王珞; 演講比賽中年級組第三名: 朱敏, 文化常識比賽高年級組第三名: 學生: 蕭芷茵, 柯致安, 梅新恩, 梁永泙, 唐湘妮, 文化常識比賽常識組第二名: 學生: 黃昭蓉, 黃安筑, 朱若妤, 顏慶傑
05/10/2008 The 2008-2009 board election has completed. For the results please click here.
05/08/2008 2007-2008 Graduation application form.Click here
05/01/2008 2008-2009 學年度已經開始註冊, 舊生請在網上註冊, 新生請聯絡校長 (732) 626-0490. The registration for 2008-2009 has already started. Current students please register online. New students please contact Principal at (732) 626-0490.
04/28/2008 Congratulation to the following students for winning ANJCS Yoyo contest : 低年級組 (Youth division, grades 1-5): 彭開元(Travis Peng) 1st place, 彭開麒 (Preston Peng) 3rd place. 高年級組 (Senior division, grades 9-12): 陳建雄 (Brian Chin) 2nd place. 雙人組 (Double): 陳建雄 (Brian Chin) & 徐業駿 (Alex Susanto) 1st place, 顏慶傑 (Jason Yen) & 詹采才(Kelvin Jan) 3rd place.
04/24/2008 The 2008 Summer Camp registration has started. Please submit all (camper, staff, and TA) application forms to Eric Wu.
04/18/2008 CSL Class Speech Contest concluded on 4/12/08 All the participated students showed great efforts. Here is the result:Speech Contest Result
04/04/2008 Spring Portrait Studio sponsored by PA to take place next Saturday, April 12 Click here
04/03/2008 Registration for Food Sale Fund Raising on May 3 to take place at PA Help Desk between April 5 and 26
04/03/2008 5/17/2008 Word Recognition ContestGuideline click here
03/31/2008 A seminar on Children's Vision hosted by PA to take place this Saturday, April 5Click Here
03/22/2008 ANJCS Yoyo contest 11 am at FCS main-gym on 4/26click here for contest rules in pdf format
03/15/2008 New Year celebration continues! Ice cream party pictures. Click here.
03/12/2008 A seminar on cancer facts and screening hosted by PA to take place this Saturday, March 15 Click here
03/06/2008 The outdoor parade on 3/8 is canceled but the exhibits and performance in Marlboro High School will continue!
03/05/2008 This year's ANJCS conference will be on 5/24 at Whippany, New Jersey. For details please go to the ANJCS website athere and click on forms
03/04/2008 Poster Contest Results.Click here
02/21/2008 Employment opportunity for Chinese speaking attorney, paralegal, or interpretor. Interested party should contract Karen Helfgott @ 732-409-1212 or e-mail her at khelfgott@anslowlaw.com.
02/20/2008 2/24 Family Concert conducted by Chiu-Tze Lindetail, Flyer
02/13/2008 Chinese New Year Performance Pictures! Please click here here, here, and here.
02/13/2008 2008 才藝華裔青少年國際春季文化交流演出營/2008 Asian Youth International Cultural Exchange Programtrip notice doc-Chinese.pdf trip notice doc.pdf
02/05/2008 2/9 FCS Chinese New Year Performance 2:30-5pm at auditorium, rehearsal schedule , program menu
01/24/2008 團隊壁報比賽規章 Team Poster Contest GuidelinesPoster Contest Guideline Group English.doc Poster Contest Guideline Group Chinese.doc Poster_Contest_2007_2008_topics.doc
01/24/2008 維德中文學校將協助辦理本市三月八日新春遊行與表演(FCS will co-sponsor Marlboro Chinese New Year Parade & Performance) on March 8.Click here for flyer detail 世界日報新聞
01/15/2008 Special discount ticket for "Chinese New Year Splendor!" Click here for details.
01/06/2008 全美中文學校聯合總會SAT中文模擬考試手冊 National Preparation Test for SAT Subject Test in Chinese with Listening 0708_SAT_in_Chinese_manual.pdf NJFCS_SAT_Chinese_Admission_Form_2008.doc
01/04/2008 2007-2008傳統班演講比賽結果2007-2008 Speech Contest Result Final.xls
12/17/2007 FCS discount for "Holiday Wonders"! Click here for the code and details.
12/04/2007 王大中掌中戲團需要你的幫助 (Wang Dazhong hands Theater Group needs your help)click here for detail
11/25/2007 Chiu-Tze Lin Bravura Holiday Concert on 12/2. For details please click here. Or here for a flyer.
11/18/2007 Tzu Chi flu shot! For details pleaseclick here.
11/05/2007 Free Chinese Music Concert at NYC on 11/18click here for flyer information
11/02/2007 Yoga Class will take place at 10:30 am in the Mini Gym from 11/3.
10/29/2007 FCS Dec 1st Chinese Culture Knowledge Fun Contest rules & registrationclick here
10/27/2007 Some of our Family Fun Day pictures are here.
10/27/2007 Mandarin Conversation Class for Non-Chinese Speakers being offered starting 11/3/07 in room 229 11:30am to 12:15pmMandarin Conversation Class
10/13/2007 2007-2008演講朗誦比賽規則與辦法Speech Contest Guideline for 2007-2008.doc
09/29/2007 Parents' Family Fun Day Preparation Meeting will take place at 11:30 am on 10/13
09/17/2007 Posting of 2007-2008 Parent Duty Schedule and Responsibilities can be found under "PA Activities"
09/14/2007 Posting of 2007-2008 Tennis Night and Court Assignment can be found under "PA Activities"
08/10/2007 2007年大紐約區祭孔大典徵文活動辦法, for details click here and here.
07/09/2007 The Taipei Youth Folk Sports Group performance (台北市青少年民俗運動訪問團表演) on Aug. 5, 2007 click here for flyer click here for detail
06/20/2007 New Jersey Chinese Day Chinese Composition Contest. For details click here.
06/14/2007 Janice Tsai received very high appraises for choreographing a Chinese traditional dance at the Multicultural Event at Marlboro Defino Central Elementary School. We are very proud that our students are contributing so much to our community.
06/09/2007 Some of the year end performance photos are available at here and here.
06/06/2007 Free Summer Camp at Princeton High School. Details arehere.
06/06/2007 Learn Chinese and earn college credits this summer.Here are the details.
06/04/2007 Congratulations to the FCS Yo-Yo team for the outstanding performance at the annual ACS Yo-Yo competition. Brian Chin won the First Place Individual Competition. Jason Yen & Kelvin Jan won the First Place Team Competition. Alex Susanto & Brian Chin won the Second Place Team Competition. >>>Photo
05/31/2007 認字比賽成績揭曉 Word Recognition Contest Results認字比賽成績
05/29/2007 FCS open house will be on 6/9/2007. Pleaseclick here for details.
05/29/2007 劉太如 (Matthew Liu) won the first place in ACS speech contest. Congratulations!
05/21/2007 Some photos from the Manalapan Asian Heritage Day are available at here.
05/13/2007 The board election has successfully completed. For the election results and the 2007-2008 board member list, pleaseclick here.
05/05/2007 The 2007-2008 school year's registration has started. To proceed please click "Registration" on the left and receive the $10 discount.
04/28/2007 Thanks to our Parents Association we had a lot of fun with the food sale. To see some of the pictures, click here.
04/12/2007 CSL Class Speech Contest concluded on 3/24/07 All the participated students showed great efforts. Here is the result:CSL Speech Result
03/29/2007 FCS is forming a team for the ACS poster contest. If you are interested, please click here.
03/16/2007 *** Due to inclement weather condition Fidelity Chinese School will be closed on 3/17. ***
03/14/2007 We had a lot of fun with the poster contest! The results are here. And the pictures are at here and here.
03/13/2007 This year's ACS conference will be on 5/26 and 5/27 at Cherry Hill, New Jersey. For details please go to the ACS website athere.
03/08/2007 Willie Sze (施煒) of CSL4 is the top girl of New Jersey! Willie is the New Jersey Girls winner of the 2006-07 Siemens Awards for Advanced Placement. Here is thewinners list.
03/05/2007 FCS will publish a yearbook in June. The guidelines are availablehere.
03/01/2007 美華協會 essay and internship programs. For details click here and here.
02/25/2007 The first Marlboro Chinese New Year parade is a great success! We had fun! For pictures, Click here.
02/23/2007 Asbury Park Press reported our off-campus performance at the recreational center! To see the report, Click here.
02/16/2007 Poster Contest on 3/3 and 3/10! For details please click on the following links:Guideline in Chinese, Guideline in English, and Topics..
02/13/2007 2007年海外(北美)華裔青年英語學習服務營. This is a great opportunity for our students to make a difference in Taiwan. For details, please click here.
02/09/2007 Off-campus performance photos are available online now!Click here.
02/08/2007 中華民國台灣教育部邀請16歲以上、母語非華語人士,報名參加「2007年華語文能力 測驗」簡介 報名表, 考試指南, ...
02/06/2007 Chinese New Year Party on Saturday, February 10
02/05/2007 ___3pm-5:30pm Student Performance (Main Auditorium)
02/04/2007 ___6pm-7pm Dinner (Main Gym) Table Assignments
02/03/2007 ___7pm-10:30pm Evening Entertainment (Various In-Building Locations)Evening Program Guide
01/24/2007 The 2007 Iris Chang Memorial Eassay Contest has been announced. For details, please clickhere.
01/23/2007 NJ Stars Scholarship program. To learn more, please clickhere and here.
01/23/2007 Whitehouse Internship Program. For more details, click here.
01/05/2007 謝謝各位同學的努力及家長老師的鼓勵 2006-2007傳統班演講比賽圓滿結束;結果如下 (2006-2007 Speech Contest results)Revised 1/5/07 11:00pm演講比賽結果 Revised
12/21/2006 Puppet theater from Taiwan at Seton Hall University on Jan. 10, 2007. For detailsclick here.
12/14/2006 Leslie Chu, Edlyn Wang, Kyleen Hoover, and Emily Hsia took the SAT II Chinese test and passed with flying colors. Their accomplishments reflect the high academic quality of our students, teachers, and curriculum.
12/11/2006 Three years in a row! Bonnie Tang won the DuPont Community Service Award again. (and $1,000 for FCS!) To see the picture, click here
12/08/2006 Letter by Dr. Abbott, Superintendent of Marlboro Township Board of Education. Please click here.
12/01/2006 We had a successful fire drill on 11/18. For a report, clickhere!
11/02/2006 The Tzu Chi Foundation has invited you to the 'Journey to the West' exhibition from November 24 to December 3 2006. For details click here and here
10/31/2006 Congratulations! Brian Chin and Louis Pan brought their yoyo skill to the 美東中華婦聯會 Overseas Teenager Talent Show and Brian won the third place!
10/27/2006 Family Fun Day program on 10/28 will be cancelled due to poor weather condition. Language classes will resume the regular program and hours. There is no cultural classes. Please pick up your kids around 11:30 am.
10/20/2006 Adult Yoga/Aerobics teacher, Mei-Ying Huang, will join us this Saturdaymore on schedule
10/13/2006 Update your emails and phone numbers? You can follow new menu item "Account Update" or click here
10/13/2006 2006-2007 Speech Contest information under Curriculum/Language General Tab or click here
10/06/2006 Chinese translators needed on 11/7 at New BrunswickApplication (.doc)
10/06/2006 2007 Whitehouse Internship for college studentsApplication (.pdf)
09/26/2006 Adult Yago-Aerobics will meet this week where & when
09/09/2006 Tennis night schedule available, question? - Charlie Jan 732-303-0589 click to view the detail
09/07/2006 愛我台灣—2006傑出青少年才藝選拔會Application (.doc) Application(.pdf)
09/01/2006 2006-2007 school calendar Revised - 9/23 - no class Download
07/03/2006 Year-end ceremony and picnic reportdetail
06/17/2006 2006 FCS Picnic at Turkey Swamp Park
06/14/2006 6/17 picnic informationdetail
06/12/2006 Pictures of the Year End Performance (If you don't want your children's picture displayed, please contact Eric)
06/06/2006 Annoucing 2005-2006 Word Recognition ResultsWord. Recog. Results
06/03/2006 台灣真行—2006千里單騎環島行Details
05/30/2006 6/10 Open house & Culture Class Student Performance and ExhibitsClick here for detail Click here for FCS flyer
05/28/2006 Our students at ACS (speech contest, yoyo, and dance)
05/15/2006 Our students did splendidly at the ACS Yoyo Competition (5/13), Ryan Lee, Singles second; Will Yen, Singles second; Alexander Susanto & Brian Chin, Doubles first; Louis Pan & Jason Yen, Doubles second. All participants came back with top honor.
05/10/2006 FCS Ballot for 2006-2007 Board ElectionDownload Ballot
05/06/2006 Our performance at Manalapan Asian Heritage Day
04/28/2006 2006-2007 registration formDownload
04/23/2006 4/22, Spring Carnival
04/19/2006 Congratulations to Joe Hsia and Raymond Eng for being elected to the 3-year seat on the Marlboro School Board.
04/18/2006 To all registered voters: Please get out and VOTE on 4/18.
04/18/2006 To all Marlboro and Morganville residents: Please vote for Joe Hsia and Raymond Eng!!!!
03/28/2006 Spring Carnival NoticeDetail
03/24/2006 Voter's Registration and School Election Information: Vote for JOE HSIA and RAYMOND ENG (Marlboro School Board Candidates)School Eelction Information (Chinese) School Bus Issue School Budget
03/23/2006 Annoucing 2005-2006 Speech Contest Winners for Grades 1-12 & CSLSpeech results
03/10/2006 SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION STARTS on 3/11: Monmouth Chinese Summer Camp jointly organized by FCS and JSCS will be held from 8/21-8/25 this year. Please submit student registration, TA and teachers applications to Sabrina Rivere.Student Registration TA Application Teacher Application
03/05/2006 Class Parents Get Togethermeetings on different days
03/02/2006 2006 Summer Camps and Student OpportunitiesSee list
03/01/2006 2005-2006 Poster Contest Fun Moments Click here to see the pictures
02/10/2006 2005-2006 Speech Contest Rules and information are posted under Curriculum/Language General Tab
02/09/2006 Chinese New Year Celebration Continues: 2/11 at Manalapan Library.Program
02/07/2006 2006 Off-Campus Performance, Wonderful Moments
02/06/2006 2nd Pin Yin Class Starts on 2/25/06. 11:30 am to 12:20 pm in room 241. Register if you are interested.2nd Pin Yin Class 2/25 to 4/1
01/22/2006 2005-2006 Academic Survey Results are available.2005-2006 Fidelity Chinese School Academic Survey.ppt
01/16/2006 General meeting on 2/11 will be postponed to 2/25 10am at min-auditorium.
01/10/2006 Poster Contest Results are out. Congratulations to the winners and all participants for a job well done.2005 Poster Results
01/04/2006 Chinese New Year Performance & Partydetail information updated on 1/25
12/18/2005 2005-2006 Academic Survey - There is still time to submit the survey form on 1/7/06. Please give us your feedback to help us improve. Thank you.
11/12/2005 Beginning Pin-Yin Class being offered starting 12/3/05 in room 241, 11:30am to 12:20pmPin Yin Class
11/12/2005 Mandarin Conversation Class for Non-Chinese Speakers being offered starting 12/3/05 in room 235 11:30am to 12:15pmMandarin Conversation Class
11/05/2005 Report & Photo for Food Sale Fund Raisingdetail
11/03/2005 Information on Group Poster Contest for Grades 6 and up are posted under "Curriculum General" - 1)Group Poster Guideline - Chinese & English versions, 2)2005 Poster Contest Information.
11/02/2005 孟郡維德中校校長彭彥文代表該郡華人社區,致贈一幅中國山水畫給孟郡郡政委員那羅多尼克,感謝他對華人社區多所幫助新澤西新聞
10/25/2005 PA Seminar I, 10/29/2005, topic - Myopia relateddetail
10/22/2005 County Library Chinese Collection Librarian Update: SHOW OUR UNITY!! 10/27 @ 7pm Monmounth County Freeholders Meeting. See attachment for details.Meeting Invitation
10/06/2005 We Need Your Support: Monmouth County Library Petition letterWord file (3 MB)
10/06/2005 General meeting on 10/8/2005Detail
10/01/2005 Update of classroom assignmentsclassroom assignments (xls)
09/29/2005 FCS family garage sale on 10/22Detail
09/29/2005 12/23 FCS Ski Trip -- Killington, Vermont.Detail
09/29/2005 維德中文學校獻愛心 家長捐款賑風災 開學日校長勉讀書用心World Journal...
09/28/2005 Parent activities are delayed or cancelled on 10/1 and 10/8Detail
09/23/2005 英文視窗(Windows XP)中文輸入法研習會Contact Info Website
09/22/2005 AP Chinese Training Schedule
09/21/2005 FCS is looking for parents to join its Dragon Dance Team. Click here for details
09/21/2005 Need Tennis Night schedule and court assignment?Please click here
09/14/2005 On Saturday, FCS will sponsor a 2-hour (4-6pm) program at the "Mid-Autumn Festival 2005" at Edison Municipal Complex, featuring paper-folding and Chinese tops demonstration.
09/05/2005 2005-2006 FCS class room information updateClass room information
09/05/2005 2005-2006 FCS Calendar (PDF format)2005-2006 School Calendar (PDF)
09/04/2005 We still have a few spots for FCS Ballroom Dance Class detail
04/05/2005 Language Study Program for Overseas Chinese Youth Admission Guideline Details...
01/23/2005 FCS web admin tutorial revised (9/23/2005)(.ppt) (.pps)
01/21/2005 How to add/modify njfcs.org content(.pps) (.ppt)
02/12/2002 Fidelity Chinese School presents performances in Manalapan, Howell Tri-Town News